How to Prevent PCMTuner PCMFlash from Update?

 Only pcmtuner software allows being updated online. Never update pcmflash software.

update pcmtuner

if pcmtuner says update available, press OK to run an upgrade.

don't update pcmflash

If pcmflash asks for an update to 1.2.5. Click No, never update pcmflash. Dongle has pcmflash 1.2.0.


This is the message we want to get rid of.

Firewall needs to be active.

prevent pcmtuner pcmflash updates1

First, get into the windows settings

prevent pcmtuner pcmflash updates 2

Then reach the firewall settings.
Enter the advanced settings.

Create a new rule

prevent pcmtuner pcmflash updates 3

Select the pcmflash.exe destination folder

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Block the connection

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Repeat the operation for the next rule.

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Then you’re done.
